Monday, November 10, 2014

Advantages of ORDBMS

List the advantages of ORDBMS / What are the advantages of ORDBMS?

Advantages of ORDBMSs

  • Reusable and Sharable – able to reuse the hard-coded components. Through database servers those components can be shared among available resources.

  • Ability of applying Objects with existing RDBMS models as it is – That is, RDBMS can be extended with Object concepts without changing the underlying models. This leads the organizations to switch over to ORDBMS concepts easily without performing bigger migration or major changes.

  • It allows users and programmers to start using object-oriented systems in parallel.

  • Object Relational Database Management Systems ensures large storage capacity.

  • Supports rich data types by adding a new object-oriented layer.

  • Scalability

  • Relationships are represented explicitly, often supporting both navigational and associative access to information.

  • Improved concurrency - concurrent users can safely query the same data.

  • Support for Composite data types - data is bundled with its metadata.

  • Improved integrity - ability to reject bad data before it is stored in an ORDBMS.

  • Database extensibility - easy addition of data types and operations.

  • Uniform treatment of data items - the SQL interface can perform complex queries based on any of these data items, e.g., metadata as well as data; hence there is less need for custom programming by users.

  • Custom data access methods - e.g., R-tree indexes.

  • Point-in-time recovery of data is possible.

  • Built-in complex SQL functions can be provided for data operations - e.g., aggregating, slicing, subsetting, reprojecting, etc.

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