Advanced Database Management Systems - Pune University April May 2011 Questions / ADBMS April May 2011 Question Paper / B.Tech Information Technology ADBMS Pune University question paper with answer
Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 5
B.E. (I.T.)
(2003 Course) (414442) (Sem. - I)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :100
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
4) Section I : Q1 or Q2, Q3 or Q4, Q5 or Q6.
5) Section II : Q7 or Q8, Q9 or Q10, Q11 or Q12.
Q1) a) Explain different types of Parallel sort with suitable example. [6]
b) For each of three partitioning techniques, namely round - robin, hash partitioning, and range partitioning, give an example of a query for which that partitioning technique would provide the fastest response. [6]
c) Explain a non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA). [5]
Q2) a) Describe a good way to parallelize each of the following: [6]
i) The difference operation.
ii) Aggregation by the count distinct operation.
iii) Aggregation by the avg operation.
iv) Left Outer Join if the join condition involves only equality.
v) Full outer join if the join condition involves comparisons other than equality.
vi) Left outer join if the join condition involves comparisons other than equality.
b) Explain design issues in Parallel Database System. [6]
c) Explain cache - coherency protocol. [5]
Q3) a) State different types of failures in distributed systems and explain failure handling in distributed database using 2 Phase Commit protocol. [6] b) Suppose that the employee relation is stored in Madison and the tuples with salary < 100000 are replicated at New York. Consider the following three options for lock management : all locks managed at a single site, say ABC ; primary copy with Madison being the primary for employees; and fully distributed. For each of the lock management options, explain what locks are set for the following queries. Also state from which site the page is read. [6]
i) A query at Austin wants to read a page of employees tuples with salary <= 50000.
ii) A query at Madison wants to read a page of employees tuples with salary < = 50000.
iii) A query at New York wants to read a page of employees tuples with salary < = 50000. c) Write a short note on LDAP. [5]
Q4) a) Define semi-join. Compute semi-join r ⋉ s for the relations r and s. [6]
Relation r | Relation s | |||||
A | B | C | C | D | E | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
4 | 5 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 8 | |
1 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | |
5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 | |
8 | 9 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
b) Explain Phantom deadlock with suitable example. Compare the relative merits of centralized and hierarchical deadlock detection in distributed DBMS. [6]
c) Explain Optimistic methods for Distributed Concurrency Control. [5]
Q5) a) Consider following DTD [12]
<?xml version = '' 1.0 '' encoding = ''UTF-8''?>
<!ELEMENT report (section *)>
<!ELEMENT section (section.title, section.content)>
<!ELEMENT section. title(#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT section. content (#PCDATA| anesthesia | prep | incision | action | observation)*>
<!ELEMENT anesthesia (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT prep (# PCDATA | action )*>
<!ELEMENT incision (#PCDATA | geography | instrument)*>
<!ELEMENT action (#PCDATA | instrument)*>
<!ELEMENT observation (# PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT geography (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT instrument (#PCDATA)>
Create XML document, XML Schemas and solve the following queries in XQuery on XML.
i) In the Procedure section of Report 1, what Instruments were used in the second Incision.
ii) In Report 1, what Instruments were used in the first two Actions after the second Incision?
iii) In Report 1 , find ''Procedure'' sections where no Anesthesia element occurs before the first Incision.
b) Explain web architecture in short. [4]
Q6) a) Consider following DTD. [12]
<?xml version = ''1.0'' encoding = ''ISO - 8859 - 1''?>
<!ELEMENT news (news_item*)>
<!ELEMENT news_item (title, content, date, author?, news_ agent)> <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT content (par | figure)+>
<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT news_agent (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT par (#PCDATA | quote | footnote)*>
<!ELEMENT quote (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT footnote (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT figure (title, image)>
Create XML document, XML Schemas and solve the following queries in XQuery on XML.
i) Find the titles of all news items where the string “Foobar Corporation” appears in the title.
ii) For each news item that is relevant to the Gorilla Corporation, create an “item summary” element. The content of the item summary is the content of the title, date, and first paragraph of the news item, separated by periods. A news item is relevant if the name of the company is mentioned anywhere within the content of the news item.
b) Write a short note on SOAP. [4]
Q7) a) You are given a set of m objects that is divided into K groups, where the ith group is of size mi. If the goal is to obtain a sample of size n < m, what is the difference between the following two sampling schemes? (Assume sampling with replacement) [6]
i) We randomly select n*mi/m elements from each group.
ii) We randomly select n elements from the data set, without regard for the group to which an objects belongs.
b) What is Meta data? Explain different types of meta data in data warehouse. [6]
c) Write a short note on Bitmap Index. [5]
Q8) a) Describe Data Warehouse Manager in detail. [6]
b) Assume that we apply square root transformation to a ratio attribute x to obtain the new attribute x*. As part of your analysis, you identify an interval (a, b) in which x* has a linear relationship to another attribute y.
i) What is the corresponding interval (a, b) in terms of x?
ii) Give equation that releases y to x. [6]
c) Design Multidimensional Data Model for Building Construction builder and customers system using Aggregates, Cube Aggregation, Cube Operators, Cube, Aggregation using Hierarchy and design some queries based on the same. [5]
Q9) a) Explain different Measures for selecting the Best Split in Decision Tree Classification Model with suitable example. [10]
b) Explain the Key issues in Hierarchical Clustering with suitable example. [7]
Q10)a) Describe any one candidate item set generation procedure with suitable example. [9]
b) Consider following training data set. [8]
Income | Student | Credit_rating | Buys_Computer | |
<=30 | high | No | Fair | no |
<=30 | high | No | Excellent | no |
31...40 | high | No | Fair | yes |
>40 | medium | No | Fair | yes |
>40 | low | Yes | Fair | yes |
>40 | low | Yes | Excellent | no |
31...40 | low | Yes | Excellent | yes |
<=30 | medium | No | Fair | no |
<=30 | low | Yes | Fair | yes |
>40 | medium | Yes | Fair | yes |
<=30 | medium | Yes | Excellent | yes |
31...40 | medium | No | Excellent | yes |
31...40 | high | Yes | Fair | yes |
>40 | medium | No | Excellent | no |
Write Naïve Bayesian Classifier algorithm. Consider Buys_Computer as a Class Attribute with values yes and no classes. Find the class label for data sample.
X = (age < = 30, Income = medium, Student = yes Credit_rating = Fair) using Naïve Bayesian Classifier.
Q11) a) Define Information Retrieval System. Describe Vector Space Model. [6]
b) Write short notes on Inverted Index. [5]
c) Explain the following terms in Information Retrieval with suitable example. [5]
i) Synonyms. ii) Homonyms. iii) Proximity. iv) TF - IDF.
Q12) a) Explain any linked based search algorithm. [6]
b) Write short notes on: [10]
i) Web Crawler. ii) Signature Files.
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