Sunday, September 13, 2015

CS6302 Database Management Systems May June 2015 - Question with answers

CS6302 Database Management Systems question paper - May/June 2015 / Anna University Previous Year 2015 Exam Questions / Anna University Previous Year 2015 Computer Science and Information Technology Question Papers / CS6302  / CS 2255 / CS 46 / CS 1254/080250009/10144 CS 406 — Database Management Systems Question with Answers

Question Paper Code : 77094

Third Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
(Common to Information Technology)
(Regulation 2013)

Time : Three hours                                                             Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.
PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

1. Write the characteristics that distinguish the database approach with the file-based approach.
2. Define: Functional dependency
3. State the need for query optimization.
4. What is the difference between static and dynamic SQL?
7. How dynamic hashing differ from static hashing?
8. Write about four types (Star, snowflake, galaxy and fact constellation) of data warehouse schemas.
9. Define threats and risks.
10. What is association rule mining?

PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 marks)

11. (a) Draw an ER diagram for the “Restaurant Menu Ordering System”, which will facilitate the food items ordering and services within a restaurant. The entire restaurant scenario is detailed as follows. The customer is able to view the food items menu, call the waiter, place orders and obtain the final bill through the computer kept in their table. The waiters through their wireless tablet PC are able to initialize a table for customers, control the table functions to assist customers, orders, send orders to food preparation staff (chef) and finalize the customer’s bill. The food preparation staffs (chefs), with their touch-display interfaces to the system, are able to view orders sent to the kitchen by waiters. During preparation, they are able to let the waiter know the status of each item, and can send notifications when items are completed. The system should have full accountability and logging facilities, and should support supervisor actions to account for exceptional circumstances, such as a meal being refunded or walked out on. (16)
(b) State the need for normalization of a database and explain the various normal forms (1st,2nd, 3rd, BCNF, 4th, 5th, and domain-key) with suitable examples (16)
12. (a) Consider a student registration database comprising of the below given table schema. (16)
Student_File(student_number, student_name, address, telephone)
Course_File(course_number, description, hours, professor_number)
Professor_File(Professor_number, name, office)
Registration_File(student_number, course_number, date)
Consider a suitable sample of tuples/records for the above mentioned tables and write DML statements (SQL) to answer for each queries listed below.
(i) Which courses does a specific professor teach?
(ii) What courses are taught by two specific professors?
(iii) Who teaches a specific course and where is his/her office?
(iv) For a specific student number, in which courses is the student registered and what is his/her name?
(v) Who are the professors for a specific student?
(vi) Who are the students registered in a specific course?
(b) Discuss about the join order optimization and heuristic optimization algorithms. (16)
13. (a) Explain the Two-phase and Three-phase commit protocols. (16)
(b) Consider the following schedules. The actions are listed in the order they are scheduled, and prefixed with the transaction name.
S1: T1:R(X), T2:R(X), T1:W(Y), T2:W(Y), T1:R(Y), T2:R(Y)
S2: T3:W(X), T1:R(X), T1:W(Y), T2:R(Z), T2:W(Z), T3:R(Z)
For each of the schedules, answer the following questions;
(i) What is the precedence graph for the schedule? (2)
(ii) Is the schedule conflict-serializable? If so, what are all the conflict equivalent serial schedules? (7)
(iii) Is the schedule view-serializable? If so, what are all the view equivalent serial schedules? (7)
14. (a) With suitable diagrams, discuss about the RAID levels (level 0, level 1, level 0+1, level 3, level 4 and level 5). (16)
(b) Explain the architectural components of a data warehouse and write about data marts. (16)
15. (a) Neatly write the K-means algorithm and show the intermediate results in clustering the below given points into two clusters using K-means algorithm. (16)
P1: (0,0), P2: (1,10), P3: (2,20), P4: (1,15), P5: (1000,2000), P6: (1500,1500), P7: (1000,1250).
(b) Discuss about the access control mechanisms and Cryptography methods to secure the databases. (16)



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